A Few of My Favorite Things


1. My dad's old guitar. He recently got a newer one so I can finally take this one with me, and playing reminds me of him when I'm lonely. 

2. Photos from the Yule Ball in Fall '21. Featuring my good friends. I keep this next to me bed to keep the memories close. 

3. A blue die. My middle school civics teacher gave us all a die for good luck on our exams. It was a pun on her name, Mrs. Disinger, and we would call her Mrs. Dice. This is always in my backpack now.

4. A fulfilled Daruma doll. I got this when I first came to college. It is used to set a goal and encourage one to reach it. My goal was to join the St. Augustine Orchestra, which I finally did last semester, so I was able to fill in the second eye.

5. My violin. This instrument is my baby. I've had this one for about four or five years, and I started learning violin almost nine years ago. Violin, and specifically orchestra, are a huge part of my life and identity. 

6. My mom's flute. Only recently did I pick up the flute, because my mom had it from her youth, and having it with me reminds me of her while I'm away from home. 


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