In the Head Digital Photograph "Most people have about 100,000 hair follicles on their head, and lose between fifty and a hundred hairs a day through normal combing, brushing, or fussing" (Ackerman).* A common icon of frustration is pulling one's hair out. Even seeing someone else pull at their hair instills the same feeling within us. We empathize with the negative emotions present in the moment. Perhaps we want to get something off our chests but have no safe space to do so, or it is the only way our emotions can manifest without great damage to ourselves or others. It is often that problems exist only in our minds, in our heads, that we get too upset to hold it in any longer. With so many nerves connecting the hair follicles to our scalp, it is understandable that any movement, tug, or brush will be felt extremely sensitively. Under Pressure Digital Photograph "A hand moves with a complex precision that’s irreplaceable, feels with a delicate intuition that’s inde...